Pyramid #3/13: Thaumatology

Steve Jackson Games SKU: SJG37-2613


40-page PDF


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This issue of Pyramid – the PDF magazine for roleplayers – taps into the untold power of "Thaumatology." This fantasy-themed issue includes:

  • "The Magic of Stories," a full treatment of fairy-tale magic for GURPS Thaumatology. Use this system to emulate traditional fables – or as the power behind modernist self-knowing fairy tales!
  • "The Mystic Knight," a template for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy that draws its power from GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements. With glowing weapons and mystically hardened protection, this new hero brings fear to dastardly dungeon denizens.
  • "Salving Magic," a new twist on traditional GURPS Magic healing powers. Sure, magicians can patch up your body – just don't push yourself too hard, or you'll pay the price.
  • "The Book of Null," a fearsome artifact, cult, and world-shattering threat, all in one. If you've never known magicians to be afraid, you will.
  • "Red Diabolism," another new path of power for GURPS Thaumatology, plus GURPS stats for one of its foul practitioners. Discover the power, potential, and price of absolute corruption.

In addition, Pyramid also provides lots of bits that make a magazine fun – Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a PC-perplexing puzzle, and other odds and ends. If you're looking to expand the possibilities of magic in almost any campaign, then you need this tome!

Written by Steven Marsh / Kelly Pedersen / Demi Benson / Mark Gellis / Antoni Ten Monros / J. Edward Tremlett